Attain App Onboarding and Device Integration
Attain app users check eligibility and enroll in the Attain program through the onboarding flow. It is essential for the user to have a simple and frictionless first interaction with the app. For Attain, increasing user options for device integration decreased barriers for entry into the program in order to grow the users base of the app.


iOS Onboarding: User logins in with Aetna Commercial credentials, Attain back end recognizes the user and delivers their dynamic offer screen. Offers include Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program or Earn Your Watch (EYW) program with varying total value levels. Program offer value depends on which program the user's employer has purchased. All users are eligible to connect an Apple Watch, Fitbit Tracker or choose to use the app with phone-only. Some users may be eligible to pay off the purchase of an Apple Watch through Attain.
Android Onboarding: User logins in with Aetna Commercial credentials, Attain back end recognized the user and delivers their dynamic offer screen with varying total value levels. Program offer depends on which program the user's employer has purchased. All users are eligible to connect a Fitbit Tracker or choose to use the app with phone-only. Some users may be eligible to purchase a Fitbit Tracker through Attain.

User chooses which device to use with Attain app. This screen is dynamic depending on user eligibility determined in login. User has the ability to change device selection later in the program by contacting customer service.

User consents to legal Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. iOS users have additional data consent, push notification and location opt in. For Android users, notification and location follow native device settings.

Users who selected use of Apple Watch on iOS or iPhone only allow permissions to Health Kit for Attain. This data connection is essential for the app to collect user's wearable & activity data for tracking and goal adjudication in app.

Users who selected use of Fitbit tracker on Android or iOS allow permissions to their Fitbit account for Attain. This data connection is essential for the app to collect user's wearable data for tracking and goal adjudication in app.

Users who select use of Android phone only, allow permissions to Google Fit app for Attain. This data connection is essential for the app to collect user's activity data for tracking and goal adjudication in app.

Eligible users who selected to purchase a Fitbit tracker to use with Android, enter a purchase flow. They then allow permissions to their Fitbit account for Attain. This data connection is essential for the app to collect user's wearable data for tracking and goal adjudication in app.

Eligible users who selected to pay off an Apple Watch through the iOS Attain program enter a buy flow. They then allow permissions to their Health Kit account for Attain. This data connection is essential for the app to collect user's wearable data for tracking and goal adjudication in app.

Users are reminded of the benefits of the Attain program and then enter the app to the Activity screen to begin the program. If users have a wearable, they can start tracking Activity daily goals right away. Activity weekly goals and Challenges will begin the Monday following enrollment. Users also can view Healthy Actions to get started building daily healthy habits.

Usability testing was completed with the addition of each new device type to ensure user comprehension and ease of use for onboarding. As this is the user's first experience of the Attain app our goal was to get as many users through the funnel from download to enrolled. Enrollment data above is based on the Attain program with device combinations of iPhone/Apple Watch and Android/Fitbit tracker.
Fitbit with iOS program, phone only device tracking, purchase a Fitbit on Android were planned but did not launch in app.
Data as of 11/8/2022